Tuesday, December 2, 2008

eCommerce in the news #1

The title of this article was, Trend: Seniors Using Webcams For Remote Babysitting, and it was written by Jose Fermoso. The url for this article is the following, http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/12/trend.html. This article talks about how senior citizens or grandparents are using webcams to view their grandchildren. Since most grandparents live far away from their grandchildren, they can use a webcam to view their grandchildren on a daily basis. If parents are away at work, they are also able to view their child's activities throughout the day. The article also talks about how grandparents are able to use webcams in order to babysit their grandchildren and are able to bring families together through webcam visuals. What I found most interesting about this article is that grandparents were using webcams to view the activities of their grandchildren. My grandparents don't even know how to run a computer, so this shocked me that some grandparents are tech savy and are able to know how to run a webcam on the computer. This article tells me that many grandparents are starting to get into the trend of today's youth and are able to use the internet now more than ever.

1 comment:

REK said...

Interesting post. Don't underestimate those oldsters!

One stylistic suggestion: embed the source URL in a link.